Who we are

A registered charity formed 55 years ago, specifically to provide rehabilitation and training for adults with recurring mental ill health or with a learning disability.

The Charity’s aim is to provide a safe environment where people are able to build or rebuild their skills, confidence and, where possible, move into full employment.

The Charity started in a building loaned from the then Reading based company, Huntley and Palmer, before moving to Caversham, with the support of Courage Brewery, then also based in Reading.

In June 2014 the Charity’s Caversham site, housing the warehouse, Greenboro, Caverill and the canteen, relocated to Manor Farm, Rotherfield Peppard. So now the four areas of the Charity are on one site.  (at last!)

The four areas of the Charity are:

A light commercial packing and repackaging operation which offers contract packing, e.g., shrink-wrapping, collation, hand finishing, assembling point-of-sale displays and packing products for retail sales.

Greenshoots, the Charity’s Plant Nursery, where beneficiaries learn all about growing plants – fruit, vegetables, annuals & perennials.


Meet the Team

Charity Staff

Frances Woolaway BEM
Chief Executive

Denise Jones
Marketing & Administration Manager

Debbie Burton
Team Colleague

Tony Szebesta
Team Colleague

Cerri Dubonnee
Greenshoots Manager

Alan Downing
Warehouse Manager


Andrew Villars Trustee & Chairperson

John Beville Trustee

Fred McCrindle

Gary Pugh Trustee

Terry Spencer

Fred Nickson

Chris Fuller

Our Patron

Lady Judy McAlpine

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